Monteverdi – Ohime ch’io cado

A deliriously joyful performance by Philippe Jaroussky, Christina Pluhar and her group L’Arpeggiata – you have to make sure you watch past the first 40 seconds…

Renaissance: Lamenta

The rich spread of sixteenth century choral music in miniature, in a short concert given by five singers from Renaissance: Camilla Harris, Jessica Gillingwater, Hugo Hymas, David Le Prevost and Ben Rowarth.

Coming soon: Monteverdi L’Orfeo

Exciting news from Durham Opera Ensemble for early music fans. In collaboration with David Stancliffe and a professional period instrument orchestra, they’ll be performing Monteverdi’s L‘Orfeo on 28 June  – I’m not sure of the venue yet, but put it in your diary and watch this space.

Poppea and Nero: a dangerous liaison

If you’ve been following my series of posts about the Venetian operas that ETO are bringing to Durham next week, you’ll remember I said that at the end of Agrippina everything ended happily. Well, not for long, because in terms of plot, Handel’s opera is just a prequel to Monteverdi’s Coronation of Poppea and this time, things […]

ETO Venetian opera

Antonio Zanchi, Nero (37-68 AD) with the Corpse of his Mother Agrippina (15-59 AD)

Baroque opera has been a surprisingly recent discovery for me. It’s so obviously the sort of thing I would like — there’s an intoxicating mix of passion, bad behaviour, sex, tragedy, strong female characters, lots of semiquavers, and, sometimes, recorders — that I wonder what took me so long. There’s more of it about these […]

The full 1610 Monteverdi

In 1610 Monteverdi published a collection of music for Pope Paul V titled Sanctissimae Virgini Missa senis vocubis ad Ecclesiarum Choros ac Vespere pluribus decantandae – “A Mass of the Blessed Virgin for six voices suitable for church choirs and Vespers music for more voices” and it so happened that I heard all of the […]