Bachtrack review: Phantasm Viol consort

Link to my Bachtrack review of "Perilous Polyphony a3" performed by members of Phantasm viol consort in the Great Hall at Durham Castle on Saturday evening.

There was lots to choose from last Saturday – Durham Choral Society had a what looked like a great concert in the cathedral, with Vivaldi’s Gloria and two new commissions on North Eastern themes, by Will Todd and Will Lang, and there was a Late Mix chamber concert at Sage Gateshead which was luring me with the temptation of Brahms. Apparently there was some European pop music on the television too. But it’s pretty rare for us to get professional early music groups in Durham so in the end it wasn’t hard to pick the concert of viol trios performed by members of Phantasm at University College for my Saturday night entertainment. I was reviewing for Bachtrack – follow the link below for my review:

Link to my Bachtrack review of "Perilous Polyphony a3" performed by members of Phantasm viol consort in the Great Hall at Durham Castle on Saturday evening.


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