
Music in Durham

DOE: A smouldering Spanish Carmen

Durham Opera Ensemble’s unmistakably Spanish Carmen, with strong performances from Sophia Smith Galer, Philippe Durrant, James Quitmann and Clare Ward, and a swelteringly hot orchestra and chorus.

A disturbing day of madness: DOE Figaro

Durham Opera Ensemble’s first production at the Gala Theatre takes Mozart’s great opera “The Marriage of Figaro” to the sixties in a production that brought out the uncomfortable truths behind the riotous comedy.

English Touring Opera Durham dates

English Touring Opera’s make their Spring visit to the Gala Theatre on 19 and 20 May – details are now on my listings. They’re doing Magic Flute and Tippet’s King Priam. I’d quite like to see their production of the Magic Flute, and the trailer looks great fun (there’s a link on my listing page) […]