Crux Fidelis: The Clothworkers Consort of Leeds
Review of a concert given by the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds in the Norman Chapel of agonisingly beautiful music for Passiontide by early English composers.
Renaissance – Christus Natus Est
Ben Rowarth and his choir, Renaissance, jumped ahead of the Christmas starting gun, sneaking their “Christus Natus Est” concert in just a few days before Advent Sunday. And what a lovely way to start the hectic Christmas season, with calm, cool singing and an imaginative programme.
Musicon: The Clerks – Tales from Babel
You don’t normally get handed an electronic gadget and a questionnaire when you settle down in your seat for a concert, nor do you get a data presentation straight after the interval. Last night’s Musicon event by The Clerks was concert, drama and scientific experiment all rolled into one gloriously entertaining whole.