Feast and Famine
Thoughts on music during the pandemic – a world where I am both filled with good things and sent empty away.
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Thoughts on music during the pandemic – a world where I am both filled with good things and sent empty away.
A letter from Durham musicians MP Mary Kelly Foy asking for amateur musicians to granted the same guidance as professionals under the new government Covid-19 regulations.
I’m trying to do my own tiny bit to recognise diversity in classical music, and the obvious place to start is Florence Price.
Haydn’s string quartets have been providing a welcome refuge from another week of bad-temper and turbulence in British politics.
After too long basically ignoring Berlioz, I decided I should go on the rollercoaster journey with Faust and Mephistopheles.
Getting past folksongs, hymns and that Lark – a BBC4 documentary prompted me to explore Vaughan Williams’ symphonic response to the First World War.
Introducing my new lockdown listening project, in which I explore some of the gaping holes in my collection in a musical version of snog-marry-avoid.
The index to my happiness playlist: fifty happy pieces of music for troubled times
Durham University Chamber Choir show technically brilliant singing and musical sensitivity in a fascinating programme of contrasts.
Music in Durham brings you classical music listings, previews, reviews and news for Durham, with a bit of random blogging thrown in. The concert listing pages bring together classical music events from across the City and the University, so whether you’re looking for a great concert to go to, or if you’re planning something and want to avoid clashes, this is the place to look.